Tim Macy Tim Macy

What if I’m Wrong?

“What if I’m wrong? If I am wrong, what could the right answer look like?”

Big opportunities are around us all the time.

After studying others that have a unique ability to take advantage of big opportunities I’ve found three distinct things:

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Tim Macy Tim Macy

Public Success, Private Failure

I worry about my balance of public perception and real life.

I don’t want to be someone that makes things seem better than they are and focus on recognition and craving acceptance from others.

I often worry about it because it’s an easy trap to fall into!

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Tim Macy Tim Macy

Why NOT to build a team

Over the past few years I’ve been able to interview and work with some of the most successful team leaders in the industry, but I’ve also heard the failures from great agents who lost money and business pursuing a team.

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